

It can only be, that by, your loves memories, that I, treasure daily, could create, these sensations, that have now, interned, to become images, that have stirred up, my emotions, of you, which course, through my body, as I, am standing here, below your balcony, on this night, under the crescent moonlight, as a flame, flickers, in your room, while I, have pictured you, in the depth, of my sleepless dreams, walking, these dark streets alone, for a glimmer, a capture, of your angelic beauty, reflected, in my eyes, with such crazy desires, for your touch, for your untold pricelessness, while longing, for the caress, of your skin, illuminated, by that spark, in my soul, which fills me, with unattainable joy, for in closing my eyes, I paint in my mind, to be, right wherever you are.

So now, as the curtains move, your face, is silhouetted, by the light, as I, am on the edge, of such, a restless mess, while your, lingering portraits, in a museum, that is only complied, for you, as I cannot, get you, out of my head, nor do I, ever want too, for in these emotions, I hide, only to stimulate, my imagination, as you, are the one, that makes, my heart beat.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs