

The Blessings in Delay
Ever craved for answers to long said prayers?
Have you anxiously anticipated testimonies or solutions to unending problems?
That long pause between a question and an answer,
That long silence after an ernest prayer,
That long wait between an applicant and a job,
That stretch of time,pregnant with your testimonies
metamorphosed into an easy but difficult word termed "delay".

With your supplications sent out to God,
you believe you've been heard;
you await your answers, even at a presumed time,
Even your heart saw a ray of light of your sweet destiny,
But they manifest not,they've lost your address you think.
You've searched for happiness or better life,
However,you've mingled with top guns and your circles,
Your name,when mentioned sounds foreign to their ears,
They all feign very busy,even paddies of old.

But in the midst of your mountains,
Cos that's what they are,
Different moods begin to take shape inside of you,
Stemming from dejection,sadness and the likes,
Giving you the thought that rainbow is extinct,
That rain doesn't fall on dry land.
Don't despair much,
Cos delay wears one coat with different colours .
Dont quit on yourself or your dreams,
Drop the complaints and quit the worry,
Imbibe the champion's attitude .

Confuse haters by being unfathomed,
Cos the One with your answers and testimonies,
Though has seen all, wouldn't unleash at your time ;
Only when his clock chimes "go",
Cos your value increases with your package ,
Newest in town,unseen by any,
Shinning like gold and needed by all.

----Chinny Nj ---

Please readers help me share your views or opinions on this poem or writeup. Where am i lacking in poetry and let me know how to fix it. Thank you