

The world is in chaos...
For it is divided into pieces....

"Mine and yours "
" you and me "

Can never become

" ours"
" we"

Its painful ...
Painful to see ,

People killing their own kind...
Even Innocent lil children..

Ah! Is this the world we had in mind?...
Is it?..

Answer me ..

What did you gain?
What did you gain by owning the amount of land , the power , the money ?

Did you gain happiness?..
Are you really happy?...

You speak of your religion....

But my friend,
Aren't you actually forgetting the purpose of religion?.....
Its love.......its purpose is love...

My eyes are strained with redness that I searched for that love....
But I couldn't find that " love "
For " hate " has already been ruling over the world....

This soil is neither yours nor mine..
For it was given to " us" ....until we die...

Now ,
This time...
I won...
I won...

Because your land, your boundaries and your money couldn't stop ,
Couldn't stop the storm coming...

Its everywhere......
Did it not hit Us?...
did it not hit you?...
Did it not hit them?

Because it doesn't know how to divide...
..it doesn't recognise your religion.
..it doesn't recognise your race......
.it doesn't recognise your country....
.it doesn't recognise your status.....

But only recognises you as " humans"

For it's natural....
And nature only knows " unity"
which we forgot over the passing of time....

© Mohsina Rahman