

I see a man
Wanting to make a change
Unwilling to make a stand
I see a woman
Willing for change
Conflicted in the stands
I see a child
Innocent and pure
Poisoned by the world
Death the only cure
I see a spirit
Who cannot cross
Watching and waiting
For God to carry their cross
Burdened with guilt
A conscience left stained
Forgiving oneself is harder
Than bearing the blame
Keeping the pain
Bullet to the brain
Time slipping through
Like pieces of grain
How much to lose
How much to gain
Either path you take
In the end, we'll meet again
Against all odds
But we never had a chance
They talked about you
Before you could even dance
Before you could pick a stance
Before you knew about God
And all he had planned

Who are you
What are you
What will you do
What will you leave behind
Who will you leave behind
Where would you want to live
Where would you want to die

© Chris, The Pretender