

Completing the task given to us
Made us happy
But on our way to win the battle
We fell in love
Some friendship began their establishment
But we hoped for the best
Challenges came our way
But we blended it with the love we found
At the end
We thought of an everlasting moments
Filled with joy and happiness
Our dreams were crashed and smatched
But we didn't care
We stepped on each others toes
Fought as many as we can
And there came our doom
We the beautiful relationships died
Tried to pick up the pieces
Perhaps to mend it
It was impossible
Since we dropped a tear in the ocean and couldn't find it
So was our friendship
But in all there was a lesson to be learnt
When it comes to friends
The lessons are;
A true friend always see
""The TEARS behind your SMILE
The LOVE behind your ANGER
And the REASON for your SILENCE""
But we know
Within the darkest depth of our hearts
That we will one day meet to be called
The Empresses of Tomorrow
Because we conquered all
---priscilla Martin ❤️❤️❤️