

Don't practice what you can't Preach

"Don't Practice What You Can't Preach"

Words are empty, if not lived
Hypocrisy's shadow, forever gives
A lesson taught, but not applied
A truth betrayed, with heart divided

I. Integrity's Call

Walk the talk, or hold your tongue
Authenticity's voice, must be sung
Practice what you preach, every day
Or risk losing, the right to say

II. The Mirror's Gaze

Reflect on actions, and words spoken
Do they align, or hearts broken?
Self-examination's honest stare
Reveals the truth, we must declare

III. Credibility's Test

Trust is earned, when words match deeds
A leader's character, in noble creeds
Consistency's virtue, shines so bright
A beacon guiding, through life's plight

IV. The Consequences

When words and actions, don't entwine
Respect is lost, and trust declines
Credibility's damage, hard to mend
A reputation, forever to amend

V. Authenticity's Power

Speak from the heart, with truth's pure fire
Practice what you preach, with soul's desire
Inspire others, with integrity's might
Shine as a beacon, in the dark of night.

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