

Where are the king warriors
The heavenly father is who created you
The enemy has put out alot of snares and traps for you
Only your heavenly father knows how to deliver you

When will you arise and take you place
God is waiting for you to come to him
He loves you with an everlasting love
That is why he is still pursuing you
That is why he is still protecting you

Many times the enemy has put you in bondage
Through all types of sin, you keep living your life in cycles and some do not even realize for the enemy of your soul has you blinded

How much more time do you need
Have you not seen all this world has to offer
Is it really that better than what Jehovah has to give you, his eyes is still upon you
Waiting to put your life in order
So you can go out an accomplish his purpose

Arise king warrior
yes you, do not think you are not
God knows exaltly what he calls you
It is you to know who you really are in his eyes
Come to your father and let him teach you
What it means to be a man serving the most high
Come to him let him make known to you what real love is, come surrender all to him and it will be the day you never forget ir regret

© Temesha