

Fight the Good Fight
The river that flows down the hill,
Is never able to be a moment still,
The rocks and pebbles at it's edge,
Lie as steady as the dead,

Who knows but the one from which it flows, the one who calls into account every soul.

If the pebbles and rocks lay still are they dead or doing what the creator said, to be the BreakWater for the restless soul.

Constant flow doesn't necessarily mean moving forward, and still waters doesn't always mean we're at peace.

The flow is easy for those who are people pleasing, the peacemaker will do what it takes to not offend but in the end the FLOW overtakes them;

The stand still kinda folk are always ready but never knowing what for, they become bored and complacent, So much time spent on the effort to flow again.

Are you the water or the rocks, running like a stream or searching out life's meaning.

Either way don't lose hope, keep on keeping on cause in the end it's the struggle that brings forth life, so fight the good fight.
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