

Do You

Do you want to know
Why I cry when I get hurt
Or just a little bruise in my heart
It's because I can't stand the pressure
The heavy weight inside
That wants to tear my chest

Do you want to know why I hold on?
It's because I'm a great person
I give too many 'second chances'
Even after my second chances have been broken more than fifty times!

Do you know why I smile with teary eyes?
It's because I'm trying to convince you that it doesn't really hurt, but I'm tired of suppressing this bombshell
I'm tired of holding everything inside!

Do you know when I do everything without expecting anything?
It's because I feel like it's my responsibility, to do anything and still expect nothing,
To love you and give a wholesome
To respect you and live like it's only for you.
But maybe I should have learnt
To live like you never walked my way