

Wake me
Turn every page till you reach the end,
Read every word before you press 'send'.

For this day began with a thought,
yet I dare not express that thought
in fear that it wont be believed.
So I begin to suppress the progress
of my mental aptitude.

I must not be swayed,
but evade this powerful thought
brewing within the hemispherical
confinement of my mind.

Sometimes I wish I was blind
to the fact so I couldn't react
in a way that was,
unbecoming of a King.
But the desire is so strong,
it refuses to be wronged
and filed away so easily to be ignored.

So at last I give in,
and allow it to win.
For I know denying it is not right.
After all
how many people can say,
one million times a way
that they've found their dream
and realize it night and day!

© X Poet