

New Year's Blessings

As we bid farewell to the departing year,
And welcome the new one,
With full spirit we celebrate the fall
Of the first light of new year's dawn;
Breaking through all the darkness,
And all the miseries and wrongs,
Everywhere is filled with bell chimes
And with the happy songs,
We become proud of previous us
Forgetting all the mistakes we did ,
Let the worship of good and happiness to rise
Through the face of every adult and kid,
In this year , will born
New love , new friendship and new hope,
All bad memories will be torn,
Joy will come in new envelope,
Walk forward in life forgetting every tear,
I wish you all ,the"Happiest New Year."

#inspiration #newyear #happiness #poetry #trending #motivational

@Quillverse 19

© kuntal