

Ephemeral Love
If love can fade,
Then so can pain.
The hurt that once stayed,
Disperse with the rain.

If love can falter,
Then so can trust.
The bond we thought stronger,
Now reduced to mere dust.

If love can dwindle,
Then so can hope.
The dreams we used to cuddle,
Now replaced by a slippery slope.

If love can perish,
Then so can joy.
The happiness we cherish,
Replaced by life's ploys.

If love can wither,
Then so can beauty.
The looks that made us quiver,
Now irrelevant, reduced to duty.

If love can lose its luster,
Then so can charm.
The attraction we used to muster,
Now deemed to cause harm.

If love can be fleeting,
Then so can passion.
The fire we thought unyielding,
Now turned into an ashen.

If love can wilt,
Then so can desire.
The lust we used to indulge in,
Now put out like an old fire.

If love can be transitory,
Then so can commitment.
The promises we made in glory,
Now reduced to convenient detachment.

But if love can endure,
Then so should pain.
The sorrow we can't ignore,
Should lead to a brighter gain.

If love can persevere,
Then so should hope.
The faith that we should revere,
Should help us to better cope.

If love can thrive,
Then so should joy.
The happiness that's alive,
Should make us want to employ.

If love can grow,
Then so should beauty.
The internal light that glows,
Should shine bright in all our duty.

If love can survive,
Then so should charm.
The allure that we can't deprive,
Should be the shield against harm.

If love can last,
Then so should passion.
The fire that we cast,
Should be a renewed compassion.

If love can endure,
Then so should desire.
The lust that we allure,
Should be a flame we keep on fire.

If love can be permanent,
Then so should commitment.
The vow that we made in sentiment,
Should be a solid rock in all predicaments.

Because love can be more than a feeling,
It can be a choice to keep believing.
That even when the nights are long,
And the days are tough,
We can still find a way to stay strong,
And love enough.
© Jevanjee