

"Drive Your Life"

The sun is rising, beautiful,
Like a baby growing, wonderful,
We shared time and light.
We experience dark and white.
The same questions, keep bugging
Like a savage forest, logging.
The cherry tree was covered in blossoms,
The perfect combination of autumn.
Some are hopeless and desperate,
Survival made you irritate.
Look, you made it too far,
Like one bite of chocolate bar.
Feels you good and satisfied,
When everyone takes your side.

Rise the way, the sun comes out,
Trust, respect, love and don't doubt.
We are blessed, be thankful,
Drive your life, be careful.
Assumed a rocking road,
But don't mind cos your heart is full load.
Carries the lessons you got enchanted,
If you failed then re-planted.
A new seed with a new direction,
Like a candidate made a favorable impression.
Our life is like a beautiful flower,
Nurture, bloom, shine, and dance under a meteor shower.
Drive your life slow or fast,
Decide your best spot, and show a blast.

© RoseVielga