

Bye bye Mr.Lover
Everyday with you shatters me into a thousand pieces...
I don't know what kept me going but am happy I didn't lose myself completely

I read quotes that made me rethink the decision of being with you but yet I was still attached to you

Being in a toxic circle was the last thing I wanted for myself, not getting the reciprocated energy I gave to you was also the least I wanted...

Eight year old me would always question my actions and be like..
"Are you getting this thing right or is there a missing piece"

I judged people that let their emotions get the better part of them when I myself was facing the same difficulty

I am sick and tired of trying to force something I know deep down wouldn't work out, am tired of trying and trying and trying and failing in the end

I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock and maybe walk away the very day we met but maybe this is my fate
The one fate I don't want to face

I prayed for a better you
I prayed for the life with a better you, but today I finally got to realize that it was never meant to be

No matter how hard I try I always feel like there's a missing piece
A puzzle I can't decipher

So now am going to lay right there on my bed and wait for God's next plan..

Bye bye Mr.Lover...

© sparkle✨