

Beggers Can Be Choosey These Days
We play different roles
And one of them is of an unapologetic begger
Everyone begs, we are made for that
Be it a politician in need of more votes
Or a toddler craving for attention
There are different forms of begging
There are different stages of begging
There are handicapped beggers
We see them in the busiest streets
They come to you when you're waiting for the signal
Green means Go, Red means No
I see old ladies, I see mothers carrying their babies
A psychological move from the illiterates
These people are illiterates to the riches
I have seen healthy men and women begging for money
I met a lady with no legs and hands begging for money
3 kilometres inside a forest, a place for quick hikes
Agents bring them to the spot every morning
People will feel emotional while seeing this lady
We all waste so money of materialistic things
So why not give this lady a small amount of money
The circus goes on, it's a job for everyday
The government doesn't give a shit about this country
They increase the taxes, petrol is costly
Roads are full of potholes, many bridges collapsed
They haven't yet figured out a solution for proper waste management
People want to watch the next blockbuster
Who has time to see a documentary on the current situation of the country?
It's time that we admit that things are going south
But we are excited for the next biopic or a remake movie from the south
We all beg for something, some people tweet
And some others on the streets
Some make a video or selfie about it
Some write a book or start a blog
Some beg from the Parliament House
And some others from a rented house
It's my turn now.

© themarsbeing