


Yesternights I caught the newmoon sliced, whimpering,
He was cold and stoned as he hit the
I was beneiged.
Like devotion dressed in disbelief
Sullen is the garb of silent skies,
An opaque star hanging listless.

Glimmering endlessly,
powdered glum flying from the skies,
it sits on my cupboards, windows worth hanging glee
flies in the face of lights,
rises beyond the time oe'r my shoulders,
beats in tone with the windchimes,
that lulls my HEART.

The night walked down the sky,
she's got the moon in her hand ,
whilst there's stillness and a sanctuary
she can retreat to,
any time to be herself.
In the wild soft summer darkness,
Wearing her lights like golden spangles,
Glinting on black satin,
this mother-of-pearl, this last star,
how I wished for a silver needle
and a virgin spool
of silken white thread.

As the night winds twirled about -
a time when the darkness crawls in
speaking gently ,
in sweet sinister tones ,
that resonates through my soul ,
making sleep take flight
as the shadows go on forever .
