

Sky is my limit
I have a dream to be on the top
I have a dream to be a best
I have dream to be a smarter
I have dream to get what I want
I have dream to travel where I want
I have dream, every one loves me
I have dream to learn and do better
I have dream to change my world
It will be just a dream if you keep it as dream
It will be just a dream if you don't take first step
It will be just a dream if you look back
It will be just a dream if you stay under limit
It will be just a dream if you don't look at the sky
It will be just a dream if you keep it in imagination
It will be just a dream if you don't move for it
It will be just a dream if you see it all the night
look, Sky is your limit
look, Your first step is your commit
look, hardest thing you start loving it
look, The world will comes in your hands
look, light of moon will be your path
look, Stars will teach you
look, You grow like a garden
look, flower becomes your beauty
It all happened when you believe yourself
It all happened when you look inside yourself
It all happened when you teach yourself
It all happened when you learn from yourself
It all happened when you say " I can do it"

© Muhammad Farooq