

Just my two cents
The beginning of most relationships have been lost in someones translation. Their expectation or views of what they think their heart wants confuses the mind into thinking what is being offered or given enough. When in fact its exactly what the other only has to give.

We need to listen to one another and not put our fate into celestial charts or needs. You do not need anyone having that scarcity mindset pushes the person your pursuing away because they feel smothered.

Have confidence, know there is abundantancy, have a feeling of being worth it. Think to yourself the same God, Entity, Being whatever you choose to believe that created this world also created you, that in itself is a gift.

Matters of love, caring, just feelings in general are never easy, sometimes we move too fast or too slow. Other times were still damaged, have yet to grieve or forgive. Its all a matter of translation within the confines of your own mind.

In order to make changes or try to fix what obstacle that is in your way, which is usually yourself by the way. There needs to be communication and quality time spent with your partner and yourself to achieve a true resolution

Be the solution not the problem, there is nothing that cant be fixed if both parties want it.