

Why is life so hard?
Why is that you try to please them but still they tend to overlook at all your efforts?
Are we invisible .
Don't we have feelings.
It hurts,deeply hurts.
But still we keep a facade smile plastered on our face.
We are hurt we do have feelings but why is that you don't see it and tramples over our feelings.
Your actions and words hurts us the most but still we love you and overlook at your blames and allegations.
But for how long.
This heart has literally turned into a soulless heart and all those tears have just dried up.
And there is no tears left to cry.
But,but but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt by your criticism.
It still hurts as hell.
Sometimes I wish and feel that everything just ends or the time stops.
but what to do it doesn't happens in real life have to move on.
By facing the reality.
No matter what.