

The Music in my Heart
Rolled over and found you gone
Then I winked and realised it was a dream
A beautiful dream.
Where the low strains had called me
From my cave, where I hid from the pain in the world.
I had followed the lead of that sound
To find you sitting at the stream,
Singing and playing the flute,
Music that calmed and healed me,
Soul reaching, far fetched, sung by one
Who like me was searching for something,
They did not really know.
But they knew
They would recognise it
Should it appear before them
Which it did.

You let me be the company
And I listened to you play
Then you asked me to sing
A new song, a real song,
I found my voice calling the birds
To sing of life, of loss, of love
And how sweet it was as the high strains ,
Brought everything around us to a standstill.
I sang the chorus one last time
But it was incomplete to you.

So you sang the closing verse:
Just look around you and stop building walls,
The world is cruel but its beauty and simplicity calls,
There is someone waiting for you no matter how shabby you are,
Love you they will and make the world you are, your car,
Where they will take you on a journey of too many good times than bad,
And make music with you to lift you up when you are sad.

I jumped out of bed
And there was music in my heart
The stranger in my dream had not stayed
But he had given me insight that relayed
A new perspective, an excitement, a motive,
I sang the song as I bathed, on my way to work and in my office,
The music in my heart
Reconnected me to meaningful life again

I do not know exactly what I am looking for
But the music in my heart
Tells me I will know it when it comes.
© Taeniel Athie