

I've Been Here Before
Ive been here before.
I recognize this pattern,
I see how I cling, to a future of pure delusions..

what do you cling to, Denial?

I see how little you give, and how much I want.
I Try hard to step back, but the little taste of emotion you share, is addictive.

But im not the same, I know my weaknesses, I know my core flaws. I wont give in to my emotions.

I've been here before.
Our emotions try and control us, so we hide from them in fear of being vulnerable and seen.

I see your flaws, I see your lies, I know who you've been, and see who you are. But I don't want to take part in who you will be.
Your future doesn't have me in it.

I've been here before.
I've seen the way i hurt, the patterns repeated after generations, end with me.
I won't hide my emotions, I'll ride them out. I won't live in fear of them. I'll hurt many more times, and that's okay.
I'll have my back, I'll take care of me,
and although I let someone else in, and it hurt a wound I had before them, I can heal.
Because I love me.

I'm afraid. I'm hurting. but I got me.

I never want to convince people I'm worthy of their love, I don't have to anymore.
Because I'm worthy of the greatest love i can feel, my own.
I don't want to shut my self out, and never let anyone else in. I want to love someone to my full capacity with my whole heart, without the illusion of perfect expectations.

I've been here before.
with you.
it drowns who I am, it clouds my image, it hurts.
sure I've still got work to do, and I always will, but I see me. I'm acknowledging me. I'm loving Me.
I've been here before,
but I have the power to walk away now.
because I love me. I love Alfred.
© Whin21