

forget me not
Waking-up, is not the same.
When I'm not laying next to you.
I'm closing my eyes, wishing you were here.
You've been gone for so long and I still can't get my tears to disappear.
I wonder threw this life with nothing more than my pride.
But it can never bring back your light.
I no longer illuminate, everything I do, I hesitate.
I wait, for you to remember what I once meant.
To take my hand so the pain may fade and I will no longer ache.
I want to feel my heartbeat.
I don't know what I did, that made you walk out on me.
I don't want to waste your time, I just wish you would be mine.
Touching me once again, my breath was lost, I can't breathe.
( Please, please come back to me!)
I well beg, only for you I have placed my pride on the side.
( Take me)
Take away my ache, I am is displaced.
You never owned me anything more than what I need to give.
Look , I'm still here and is been year's
Just once, look my way so I may remember the light.
After that, I don't need sight, I can disappear without a fight.

© jun.klost96#broken