

Human | Nature
In a realm where contrast unveils its face,
Humanity and nature, midst this cosmic embrace.
Two worlds intertwined, distinct yet entwined,
Their differences profound, their harmony defined.

Behold, the cityscape adorned with steel and glass,
A testament to mankind's relentless quest to amass.
Towers reaching skyward, with lights that never cease,
A testament to human might, our quest for eternal peace.

Yet within this concrete jungle, where dreams are built,
Lies a stark contrast to nature, where hearts find solace and wilt.
For in nature's realm, a tapestry of vibrant hues,
Unveils a truth untainted, pure and true.

The streets bustling with souls, lost in their haste,
As nature's serene beauty remains untouched, unchased.
The city hums with progress, its arteries paved with gold,
While nature's symphony plays in forests untold.

In cities, progress paints a vibrant façade,
But within its walls, humanity's flaws can't evade.
The pursuit of wealth, power, and fame,
Leaves us disconnected, lost in life's game.

Yet nature, with all its wisdom, teaches us to be,
Present in each moment, embracing the vast and the free.
The trees whisper secrets, the streams whisper tales,
As we're reminded of life's delicate scales.

For when the storms rage, and tides fiercely clash,
Nature adapts, it weathers, it comes back with a dash.
While humanity falters, consumed by its strife,
Nature breathes, evolves, embracing the cycle of life.

So let us remember, in this cosmic dance we partake,
That we are but guests on Earth, our actions at stake.
For in the contrast of humanity to nature's embrace,
Lies a profound lesson, of humility and grace.

Let us seek harmony, coexist with our Earthly kin,
Respecting nature's rhythms, deep within.
For in this delicate balance, we'll find our truth,
A symbiotic existence, wherein lies our eternal youth.

In the canvas of contrast, let our hearts find their home,
Embracing both humanity and nature's grand tome.
For in this harmony lies the essence of life's true art,
The intertwining of humanity and nature's beating heart.
© NightSwimThePoet