


I am a believer,
Believer of my dreams...
I believe in imagination ;
And creating my scenes.
I believe in the power
And the glory of belief.
Fate or fear ;
I believe in my dreams.

As I was gifted to dream,
There must be a reason
All our dreams, are valid
Whether it's an Azure or a Crimson.
As for some beautiful paths ;
Can't be discovered , without getting lost.
And believe is the light.....
which shines within, that cannot be extinguished at any cost.

We are like those stars...
lost in the sky,
Even the dark could not destroy the light
It's the power it defines.
I am a believer of my believe....
Which is stronger than your doubt,
As my 'avenir' is guided by my believe.

Although ,
        the road ahead is long and narrow.
And I should search for the greatest truth,
up in the heavens ;
or down on the earth
       I see a silver light....
Believing in my dreams
I looked up into the sky,
And even in the darkest of the time
I found, that the moon is bright.

© Auradeus