

You signed the adoption papers
Said there was no other option
You could have given her to me
Working alot of hours was a problem, I see
Despite the fact, she would of been well taken care of
Showered in lots of love
Treated and raised like she was my own
I shouldn't have to say this, it's all stuff you have known
It is why we signed them papers
Covered all your dealbreakers
I guess, none of that mattered in the end
You lost her to someone you THOUGHT was a friend
With all this talk about a new baby
You will do right by them, well maybe
I'm still in disbelief
I'm sure youre thinking what a relief
You didn't seem very happy when I said we were trying
Guess your decision is rather unsatifying
I'm hoping you will grow up someday
You really need to, like as in yesterday
Until then to my dismay
I think it's best I back away
© deepinthought