

An Effect Of Comparison
In a family, there is a child that tries their possible must to make their parents or guardians proud but never succeeding.
Because there is that perfect sibling, cousin, neighbour's child or even friend who does every seemly right and their parents or guardians want that kind of child to be theirs.
So, they're neglected, insulted, ridiculed or even worse, compared too.
Whatever their child do is being compared to with what that perfect child does.
And it is irritating 😒.
What ever the child does is not good enough.
The child finds it motivating at first but as it continues, the child feels hurt then sad, then starts having inferior complex from the stress associated with the comparison, jealousy andfinally indifference.
Jealous of the things and praise for the perfect by their parents or guardians.
With jealousy grows hatred for both the parent or guardian and that perfect child.
The child starts to act, either rebellious, two faced, has lack of confidence.
Some of themeven starts trouble that perfect child from destroying the perfect child's staff to possibly trying to kill .

And that's one of man things that creates a villainous person