

The pain in my heart reflects my scars
So much weight within me
I'm burdened and sad
Heavy stones
Pull me down into the ocean
I must relive myself before I die
So I cry
I feel better afterwards

No one knows the thoughts of my heart
A beautiful face and a darkened heart
The effects of great hurt
I moan and groan
Those slashes are indeed very painful
Having been burned for a long time
I cry

My tears
It washes away my fears,and makes me stronger for another day
Full of worries and hurry
Water thick as blood
Full of pain and salt
Rushes down my cheeks
In slow linear motion
Just one straight path,between my eyes and my chin
My stained face
It purges

Then my burden is lifted,and I feel lighter
Not weighed down any longer
I'll hold
Just a little longer

© @Kays.112