

A day of Autumn
Thunders filled the sky, a sight of fear
Raindrops touching the ground, like tears
He appeared, by chance in the pouring rain
At that moment, I knew my heart was chained.

He smiled at me unaware of my hidden affection
There's a beauty in him which I see beyond perfection
He was in drizzles' embrace
In his eyes, I found solace.

Raindrops pouring like a serenade
An echoing sound of love they made
I gazed into his eyes, a paradise of brown
Lost in the magic, in the world of my own

He's an enchanting enigma
A puzzle of secrets is there in his eyes
Mystery surrounds him, a captivating spell
Love, I'm spellbound and unable to tell

Rain our celestial cupid
Orchestrates our encounter
I don't want to leave his gaze
This bittersweet moment is the one I never want to face.
© pearlbtsworks