

She Said Yes
We have dated so long we've been thru so much. Hard to believe it was just a little crush. I tried to get over you. I tried to not let it happen. But when I first looked into your eyes something different started to happen. It came on so quick over ran me like a drug. More pure than anything so is this (Love)? I wish I knew what she was thinking man does she feel the same. Its been such a short time what do I do if its in vein? How do I approach her? I don't know how to act or what to say. What's she see when she looks at me? Does this feeling go away? Life is so indifferent I would love to share it along the way. But man how do I know she loves me? Leavings just a thought away. Time was the only way to prove to me that she wanted to stay. We have had a lot of ups and downs. But the love did not fade. When we chose some time apart I suffered every day. So many mixed emotions life had damaged me along the way. Anyone can say they love you but only a true one will be to stay. After 7 years together. I asked for her hand to stay. There has never been a drug that could get me as high as I felt that day. She looked so beautiful in her dress. As she walked towards me. I didn't have the money to give her the day she deserved. But I can truly tell you For me that day was heaven on earth. We both have some baggage that life has brought along. When true love is the motive there's nothing worth giving it up at all. Its not always easy. You give and get. keep the regrets minimal be willing to forgive and forget. Seems to me the biggest challenges are of yourself, but when I look into her eyes nothings hindered us yet. So always stay open and be kind she just may be the one that wants to be your bride. Not everyone is capable cut from different cloth. You need the same fabric or something will surely be off.
© Kristopher Gossett