

Just little things...
Just little things
Can make the milk a curd
And just little things
Can change the whole world

Just little thoughts
Can make a person best
And just little steps
Can lead you to success

Little misunderstanding
Can distract your view
A little truth of the world
Can change your angle of view

Little spark in eyes
Can make you truly living
Instead of living as
A non thinking being

Your little voice
Can begin revolution
Which can lead to
Great future of nation

Work of little ant
Inspires everyone
Useless in the world
Cannot be anyone

Just a little love
Can change any person
Making him a personality
He never become

There are little things
Which makes this world
Just by changing the role
They can change the world

Little things have power
No one can even think
They can do something different
That no one can think

Only some failures
Can never arrest me
On a day, a great person
I also will be.
- Sumedh Gaikwad