

Invisible (Part 2)
You know that thing when one can answer, but doesn't,
Yeah that's it,
It's that thing were what you say doesn't matter,
In actual fact, straight up, you don't matter,
But maybe, just maybe, I actully want to be invisible,
I mean just think about it,
There is no need to interact,
And be triggered to overreacte,
My social anxiety,
Becomes a non-reality,
There is no need to converse,
And diverse your speaking,
There is no need to invest in conversations,
And maintain emotionallty draining relations,
You don't have to get involved in detective-like questions,
That which people call natter and chatter,
Nah, I think I want to be invisible,
As if I already wasn't🙂

© C_A_M
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