

I know I could've loved you
Some days I wait, some days I grind my teeth
Some days are just too much for me to sleep
Some days I feel perfectly okay
Some days I wish you stayed
And I want to say sorry
To you and don't worry
I know you could've loved me

It was a sunny day, I was wearing black
Didn't think that would be our last
I was good at controlling my anger
But it was just too much
Breaking your promise a month later

And you fought fire with fire
Dragged us both to the mire
Giving up is the easiest thing to do
I did learn that from you

I'm rueful like I was before
But you said you'll move on
So there's no need to wait for you at my door
I can still feel you hurt whenever I read our messages
Going separate ways is, I guess, for the best

Don't stay up late, don't drink too much
I hope someday you'll find the one
I'll take care of myself and be happy
With someone who will never leave
That's what both of us got to do
Even if I know I could've loved you too.


O what a night!
Walk alone happy
It's all up to you
Stay in the storm
I know I could've loved you

© ajyoyama