

The Victim
I know it sounds nice, everyone giving you attention, feeling sorry for you,
You aren't a victim beautiful one, never make yourself one,
You're giving your power out, laying it carefully in the hands of humans, of which some might care while others don't,
You're giving them something to laugh about, something to haunt you with,
You're refusing to take responsibility, crazy right? soon people get tired of saying sorry, and I wish You're better,
People get tired of your sob story, they do, and they wish you'd stop, they lose respect for you,
Take control back, for your life, be in control, and make decisions for yourself, I know it hurts, trust me, I do,
Telling people and making yourself a victim doesn't take the pain away,
Heal yourself, be in control beautiful one, it's not too late, and it's never too late.
© Freya Stone