

For Bow
Born to Ruth K. Rideout, A devoted mother and working woman among three sisters, my uncle, came into this world ready for the curves and bumps thrown at him. Some of his talents were in carpentry, painting, and survival. However, the one thing I remember my uncle for is going into a dull place and making it the new place to be. A DJ that should have had his name worldwide. He was at piece when he played his music. A try artist is not always world known. Like some people, but few my uncle knew you don't have to be famous to do what you love in this world. If your talent is there, others will attach to it. So, let's live the way my uncle did without fear or malicious intent. He loved his family and was defined to me as a true child of God. Even if my uncle did not agree or like you, when a person was in need, he was there to give them a push. My uncle would not do it for you because he believed in the strength of his fellow man. I remember his favorite saying he got from his father when someone unexpected would show up,"LAYING DOWN NOW! I know he has changed it and whispered it in the ears of all of us before he joined our father in heaven. I imagine he would say GOING HOME NOW! Don't cry for me to celebrate me making it out of the struggle. Now, he can watch us as we hope, believe, and have faith. Not the faith of a mustard seed but faith that can move mountains. REST IN ETERNAL LOVE UNCLE BOW AND KNOW THAT YOUR LOVED.
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