

Lost memories
From the vibrant beauty she had
An image that now makes me sad
To a mess and wreck with no life
To a person that is no longer my dads wife
From a smile and giggle that lit up the room
To teeth that are rotten and her hair never groomed
From a mother who loved me and cared so much
To a person thats filthy and id never wanna touch
From a person who I loved and saw everyday
To a person who moved very far away
From a person who held me when I was lying sick in bed
To a person I wish I could forget to a person who's practically dead
From a person who loved God and listened to him every step of the way
To a person who's faith is gone and her image i can no longer portray
From a person who helped and always stayed strong
To a person who's lost to a person who's gone
© Thesaddneedpoet