


The birds singing as they usher in,the new morning,
Waking the sun from its sleep,
As the moon goes to sleep,
The stars are swallowed by the sun's brightness,
The wonder of the nature.

Whispering wind that cools the body,
The land breeze,
and sea breeze,
The blowing wind that makes the trees dance
and the leaves to fly,
The power of nature.

The rivers that clap cheerfully,
In admiration to the mother nature,
The rains that makes the earth pregnant,
by watering the hidden seeds,
The forests and bushes that provides breeding grounds,
The secrets of nature.

The Lions that rule the jungles,
Man that rules civilization and nation,
The butterflies that decorates the air,
The different fish species that fills the waters,
The wisdom of nature.

The beauty of the setting sun,
The marvel at night of moon and the stars,
The seasons that makes the earth comfortable,
Nature that makes our lives stable,
The beauty of nature