

Teleported to the chime of resistance.

Breathing heavily of oxygen.

Climbing my way to standing on my feet. Long gun in my hand with bullet proof vest.

In a another person's body of flesh. Flaked my processing into a mess. Felt so weird to be another person's well being. How are they doing in that state? They aware I'm taking over there vessel? Moving around controlling there every move?

Don't worry, the soldier you transcended too is here with us, " my boss called out on the radio. You trade places in each other bodies. You still see yourself as the person, while we see you being you."  My college friend  manual taught me the basics. Over spoke on the radio.  Quick learner myself to pay close  attention.  Trigger felt soft as a chip. One squeeze it fires.  Jaeger my hands to my sleeve. Freely fire with precision. Seeing my bullets  watermelon seed blitz. Shooting everything accurately in sight. Lefts turns and right turns. Having my whole body turn around. Running  straight head.  Ready to take off someone head. Pal, have you lost your mind!?" I payed no mind to my friend freak out. My whole team summery of my mission and the backstory, made me sleepy. I had to do something keep me busy. Encountered my first one of the creatures from the video tape footage. I stood there could not believe it. It roared charging up for me. Watch out the monster is approaching! " He screamed out. I raise my gun knew what has to be done. I had no fear to wanting to put a end to this nightmare.

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