

The Majestic

One thinks of the age of Kings and Pharaohs,
notion of being royal, supreme than royalty;
A rite of passage, what was, for some,
grew roots, in others, ever covetous, of eccentricity.
Building blocks at the feet of a toddler,
build it up or munch it down?;
Strikes a strange resemblance, perhaps,
general view of society to the historical royals and clowns.

Sometimes a whole planet can’t seem to be enough,
whereas sometimes,
just when one’s curiosity meets discovery,
a tiny ant becomes an inspiration to go on.

Wonders one two many too often,
How does it feel to be at the top?;
Craving oh so strongly, is the power they seek,
or the incessant accountabilities promptly stop?

Or is it simply the amalgam of everything they have ever faced?

Time after time, still are faced, debate after debate,
begins with the ancestors, questions remains the same;
Open your eyes wide and tell me what you see,
perceiving our surroundings, or greater role in name?
A nightmarish monster, perhaps one would describe,
head on fire and the creepiest of smile;
the most beautiful thing ever,...