

Even the weeds are necessary

Raging red of madness left to past,
Beautiful long oranges of brand-new friends,
Wilted yellows of friendships passed,
Tallest goldens of thoes I'll forever miss,
Lime foliage of days uncounted,
Deep green weeds of everything in between,
Cyan little wonders of old pain healed,
Drooping blue hues of sad tears,
Indigo blues of trauma not delt with,
Purple fluffs of numbness floating by,
Violet worries growing over the fence,
Blooming pink buds of love,
Night black thorns of shattered trust,
Rotting brown flowers of memories we forgot,
Simple soft whites of peace.
Each flower bed a different amount of dense,
They all make up this garden,
No matter if I wanted them planted or not,
Even the weeds are necessary,
Each new day more plants grow.

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