

Oh Dear friend
I got kicked outside the class for not doing homework,
You came along with me, Oh dear friend

I am starring at my empy answer paper,
you were already showing your answer sheet, Oh dear friend

I saw my first crush in my life,
You said " Sooper girl da, she is seeing you only", Oh dear friend

I saw one of our classmates flirting with my girl,
You were already there frowing on him, Oh dear friend

I bought porn CD when I am home alone
You were already standing in my gate with a deck, Oh dear friend

I am having my first beer
You were there saying "Nothing will happen, chill bro" , Oh dear friend

I called you said " My life sucks"
You on the other side said "Mine suck too " and laughed, Oh dear friend

I am getting married
You were standing behind collecting the gifts to buy liquor, Oh dear friend

When life hits me hard,
You always there behind me, Oh dear friend

Before I am in my death bed,
You should be in hell already for ruining my life macha, Oh dear friend .