

Her Reply

No it's not easy for me to make more friends,
I ll be always lost in myself,
Always in fear of losing my innocence in this fake world.
I hated u the most when I saw you for the first time,
Your carless behaviour used to make me irritate,
But at the same time,somewhere
I loved your childishness and kindness.
Rude outside and much sensitive inside.
Your quality of loyalty made me to make friendship with you,
But within these months I realised my real feelings for you .
But failed to express infront of you,
Was much confused about all theses things
Whether it's love or just an infatuation,
But today you put an end to my confusions,
Your proposal made me too pinch myself twice,
whether it's just my fantasy or reality
Yes I Love You too My Darling
© @Nikki