

What is Love?
Does the grass
taste greener?
Maybe its just the right mix
of coffee and creamer.

Perhaps the spectrum
Of colors bloom and
Reaches out to hug you

It could be your feet in the air
head is molten lava, but
not a worry in sight, not a care

Is it when a name
Jumps from a screen?
Does it elicit a giggle or a scream?

But what if my throat
Tires from multiple screeches
What if I nurse on different goats?

What if I see colors
When I swing on vines
Traveling through the times

I feel it in the absence of a ring
I feel it when I blast
My favorite song and sing

It engulfs me in bubble wrapped
Where minds merrily mingle
Where they find
A single

Thread of connection

Love is poetry. Love is within me.
It does not wait for others
to show up.
It just is.
© JKeMac