

An Ode to Valor
We live in a realm where courage reigns, shadows flee,
There strides the soul, unbound, wholly free.
Fearless, it stands 'midst tumult and strife,
A beacon of strength lit, in the journey of life.

Through trials deep, where doubts may assail,
Fidgeting hearts weather every gale.
They soar above the tempest's roar,
Embracing the challenge, forevermore.

In the face of uncertainty, they boldly tread,
With sudden resolve, no sorrow to be led.
For in their vein flows a spirit untamed,
Where doubt and fear are forever disclaimed.

Courageous, they march, with heads held high,
Their spirit ablaze, against the spangled sky.
In every triumph, in every fall,
Fearless souls rise, standing tall.

So let us cherish, this gallantry flame,
And kindle it bright, in our own damn name.
For in its glow, we find our steadfast might,
To conquer the darkness, and embrace the light.

© TheRetro_Reader