

Good Bye my Love
Dont look away,
I wanna say good bye...
not that it doesnt hurt..
not that am not broken...
not that I know what's gonna happen next..
but i wanna see those eyes i fell in love with..
I wanna say goodbye.

Remember the first time..
when your gaze met my eyes..
I couldnt breathe for a second.

Remember that first time..
you sung my favourite song for me..
I wanted to be a song...
sung in your voice.

Remember the first time...
you said you love me..
and I said I love you more..
was that even true?

remember all those promises..
you made as you kissed me..
I opened up my deepest...
just so could you leave me in pieces.

when did you realise...
that you love me no more?
You say you dont know...
but what should I tell myself?

Dont look away now...
I wanna say good bye...
I wont stop loving you...I cant..
and you know that well.
But please never meet me again..
Dont insult my love..I beg you..
dont make fun of me...

I belonged to you..I gave you my everything...
since the first time you kissed me...
I'll always be yours, even when am not..
even when you arent mine...
even when I know it's not possible...
I'll be yours..

so please dont look away...
let me say good bye to my love...
to my dreams and hopes...
to my blushes and smiles...
to my forever promises..
to my everything.

Oh so you wont even look at me now..
just leave me here and walk away?
not a word no more?
you dont have ANYTHING to say??

maybe that's what I get...
I gave you the power to hurt me
and u did so well...
have a happy life ahead my love
I'll just be hanging around the old dusty memories...
the love streets we wandered..
the love songs we sung...
the dream that was real once...
the nights we got drunk..

Good Bye my love...
for you were never mine
good bye my love..
for I'll be forever yours..
good bye my love..
ill See you in memories again.

© AzmanskyHerrmann