

I Am
I am hollow, not devoid of feeling, but a vessel carrying that holy spirit, filled by divine presence. I am the magick flask the alchemy begins inside, serpentine is my mechanism, I am a spring enacted upon by weight and gravity. I am the source of this  hydrogen, I control its heat and turn myself into a star in explosion. I move the hearts of the nation, breathe the breath of life into anything; everything that I touch. I wake the world by my own existence, eyes of the nations opening; all eyes seeing in unison; a world transcended. I am life, carrying death inisde of life, the wells of knowledge poisoned with gun powder. I am a codex, however, not impossible to solve, an equation.. I am a  superfluidous lightning storm, a tsunami spiraling down, weightless; bottomless and topless, a hell and heaven uniting. I am a zero point energy self regenerating; a self sufficiency, a cannibalism of energy to myself to feed myself the word of God. A hyperstimulation; an apex met with a fall into a bliss; a ritual of divination completed. Seals break and wheels spin; like knots exploding.. Rising from my hell fire, I'm a Phoenix riding on flaming gold a star turning pulsar. I am the Sorcerers Stone amongst 7 billion greedy hands. Death or Life through death; an eternal frequency tuned into the channel of divine infinity. A Rain choking the angels out of the sky; casting smoke on the earth as I touch the coals of what you identified with. I feed on neurosis; rewiring the brain to finish the synapsis in your nervous system. I walk with God, horns on my head, tail between my legs; being condemned by its own; crucified for the relation we share, being in relation entirely. Zombies will be zombies; man as a whole until they ignite their souls. The solar plexus, the heart of a land, exploding like a nuclear reactor dispersing radiation to the living in proximity. In allegory; parable by definition, a misunderstood superstition. Initiates forever searching for their truest highest aspect of self, they are a collapsing inwardly return trip to the self.  Many seek for me with a greed inside damnation, they will not find me. The true champion inherits me by simply being. A sin that's not from a perception of misconstrued mortality; more like a sin wave casted by the breath of life everytime retracted back into exhalation. Hiram, Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, God, The Buddah, etc, they are me, and I am within you, hidden by the shadow of ignorance.

© Christopher Newport Brackett
#kundalini #esoteric