

Self love is important
Rules are flipped
Compassion is fading
Humanity is dying
Love is choking
We are here enjoying ourselves
Like spineless cyborgs
Entranced in race of survival of fittest
Pushing pulling using others

There Angel's stand in a corner stunned at the irony of fate
Up there God is all grumpy
But its it's not like we care
Far away devil hides
Malovelent being is taking notes snarkingly
Yet we are in a delusion for being finest creation of this planet
Thinking ourselves to be superior than all and entitled of Eden
Yeppeun geos stop pondering onto lost

Your own hands are covered in blood of your soul
Your soul that part you ruthlessly murdered
Now you lie shattered like a broken glass
Crimson red plasma dripping from your eyes
Haunted ghosts took away those sparkling stary eyes
Pixie dust ran out fluffy emotions faded
Why do you stare at them?

You are your biggest enemy
You sold your soul
You lowered yourself
You ignored your needs
You allowed violations
You chased after low lives
You saw through double faces but still remained good
Now when light faded why you cry?
Have fun in darkness
This is what ppl like you deserve

Like a flickering candle
You seek shadow
You seek help
You seek happiness
Arent u delusional?
Born in perfects have you forgotten?
Imperfects dont deserve anything
Nor love nor hate
Just emptiness

You were valid till the need
Ignorance was a choice
Love was a compulsion
Demons seeped uninvitedly
Now you are having time of life
Darkness is soothing.
Endurance is dropping
Pain is painful
Fascinating records of miseries play
As Romi you sit in the bottom of furnace
Happily playing with fire

© Chanyeol_12