

Last night I was listening to a song
A song, I don't know the name of.

The kind you'd listen to
While throwing your feet on the dashboard
Of a hoodless Cadillac.
Steering through a valley of willows
With the sun peeping between the trunks.

The kind you'd listen to
While sitting under a moonlit sky
In a still, tranquil night
As your eyes wrinkle in a Duchenne smile
With your head bent over to my side.

The kind you'd listen to
When the raindrops play melody
On the lush green fields
And you run far and wide
The umbrella thrown off to a side.
As your feet splash in puddles
And your vast open arms embody
My long forgotten abstract ecstasy.

Now, when I think of it
I wonder if it was a song
Or a voice afar.
Now, when I think of it
I wonder if it was me
Or us together.
© smudgemark