


✍🏾 Brown_Sketchys

The beauty clothed by chaos lie a wounded work of art.
Beautiful but torn, wreaking a havoc in my heart.
Wishing to speak out but shuttered by threats.
Engulfed and blinded by insecurities.

As you succeed in gagging me today,
Someday, you will wish for me to speak out,
There I will choose to hide the hurt and hide my pain.
Hiding the tears falling like rain.
Acting like I'm ok when I'm being crushed into pieces.

Hopefully I wait for someone to see that I wear a muting mask,
And care enough to take it off; is that too much to ask?

✍🏾Omar D'Poet

I'm gagged.
When the emotions of our conscience are killed, conscience becomes less, rebranded as consciencelessness.

The economists of our hearts have lost this battle. The values of hatred are just on the rise and very soon, we'll hit the highest point of inflation called heartlessness.

I'm gagged, but I pray the last drop of my tears will fall on a fertile land to bring forth the life of happiness whose seed I planted.


I'm prioritised on list of leasts,
Being given the attention and treatment of beasts.
I seek not to be far from feeling free,
But my pool of pain, soaked in silence, gives them glee.
My life is like a forge of tyres
Filled with the heartless heat of the furious fires.
Though a pretty, promising petal,
I'm being beaten mercilessly like a malleable metal.

My clothes docilely dress down
And my legs open swiftly like the gates of a town
In order to secure a job;
An act that makes me sob.
He forces forcefully into my sacred valley of paradise
And I'm expected to forgive the vice.
I'm gagged to remain composed and calm
As if I were being soothed by a palm of balm.

© Brown_Sketchys 🇬🇭
© Probity~1 🇬🇭
© Omar D'Poet 🇬🇭