

Over the Ocean: Where Hearts Meet

The rushing waves wash across the arid Sands
It's been awhile since we both had this Chance
Different cultures pass between distant Lands
Now taken this Journey of Life heading for the Dance
The Amber Waves of Grain meet the Gold of Beauty
Our Motherland she
Sparkles with Divine Deity
In the Bliss or Happiness we join Hand in Hand
And as One torn of Womb, bound in Spirit, we Stand

Flowers tossed in the Wind to the Stranger
Praying the Father keeps us from all harm and Danger
The Pathway leading to the many Wonders of Life
As together Walking through the Rivers of both Happiness and Strife
A Rose Garden Dreamed but Thorns Streamed
Yet in this Union, we will always be forever Teamed

Thorns and thorns are rooted in our path,
yet our love is strong leading us to the path we have dreamed of.
Roses wade through us, its fragrances leading me to the love you share.
Together forever with sparkles of beauty,
Eternally engraved in your heart, your happiness is entangled with mine.
And in the end, Blissfulness is ours.