

the end is here
This world is so corrupt its falling apart
Before our eyes
Everyday u turn on the news n someone else dies
People are dying at an alarming rate of speed
This world is controlled by anger n greed
The youth are unaware of what's going on
The world as we once knew it is about to be gone
The elderly are dying and they cant even be properly laid to rest
The teens are being held back frankly oppressed
The young adults just starting families dont know what to do
The adults have never seen anything like this they too have not a clue
We've all been blindsided with no warning at all
It's even affecting those behind the wall
Its happening so quickly no one was prepared
Now u got a whole population of people running scared
I cant force anyone to do something they chose not to
All I can do is simply enlighten n advise you
You can listen to my words of wisdom and power of prayer
Or you can ignore me n walk away or sit there
To be honest I really dont care
Jesus is the reason this earth is even turning
He asks only that you hear his father's teaching keep learning
Do not forsake wisdom love it instead
for wisdom will protect u n place the Garland upon ur head
Seek wisdom no matter the cost
Ur steps will no longer be hampered u will never be lost .
U will not stumble when u run
I too am his son
Ur life will always be of many
Ur blessings there'll be plenty
Do not follow the path of the wicked or travel with those with evil in their heart
To avoid that path would ne ever do smart
Avoid that path turn the other way
For they need to do evil everyday
Give ur life to Jesus he died for ur sins
This is where ur life begins
Wake up my friend the end isn't near
Its already here

© poetrybyrosierossi